Wednesday, November 9, 2016


November 2011
Dear Family and Friends,

We hope you are doing well. Since December is going to be a little unpredictable with the arrival of baby Parley, we decided to make and Autumn greeting card, just in case.  Things are going pretty well with us. Most of you know we graduated in April and that Jason got an art-teaching job in Guernsey, WY.

 We have been here since August, and so far we really like it.  The population here is a little over 1000 and the weather has actually been quite nice for Wyoming. We have felt really welcomed here by the community and by the members of the church, and we think we will be here for a while.
Most of you also know Jason got surgery on his Achilles tendon.  (He was trying to get in shape by playing basketball wit the high school boys and ruptured it.) He is still on crutches but will be advancing to a boot next week.  This has been kind of hard since we are still trying to get some projects done on our house, but we will be fine.  We feel grateful for all the help everyone has offered to us. Besides this, Jason is doing well.  
He is enjoying teaching a wide range of students, from 2nd-12th graders.  He’s also been teaching a two-week community pottery class and hoping to get back to his painting when time allows.  He is also a counselor in the young men’s organization for our church.

Isa is three years old now.  She loves playing pretend, hearing stories, and she loves animals and girly things.  Every Monday we go to story time at the elementary school library and she really looks forward to that.  She took a while to accept the fact that she was having a baby brother, not a sister; and I think having a sibling will be an adjustment for her since she has been the only child for such a long time, but in time I know she will be glad she has a built-in playmate at home.  Everyday she says something funny.  Today she came to the conclusion that chipmunks eat munks and chips, and one of my favorite word she says is “amn’t” , as in  “I amn’t going to bed right now.”

As for me, I am enjoying not being a student.  I’m glad I don’t have homework to worry about everyday, and I really do like doing the regular mom/wife things. A lot of my extra time is spent working on a house project  (decorating, organizing, painting) and when I’m not doing this I like reading and writing.  My goal for this year is to finish He Restoreth My Soul by Dr. Donald H. Hilton.  This book goes into the science of why pornography is literally addictive and later I think it will talk about how Christ can help people break free from the addiction.

Winter outside our new home in Guernsey

Finally, our baby’s name will be Parley Jason Harmon, after Jason’s ancestor. I think he is doing well but he is getting really heavy.

Parley was born December 29, 2011
Well, I hope you all had fun being brought up to date with us. We love you and think about you.
Until next time,
The Harmons