Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Day Your Daddy Died

The day your daddy died was like any other day…almost. It was actually a kinda special day because he was going to do something he had been wanting to do for a long time – watch the Broadway musical, “Lion King” with his brother Tyson in Denver, Colorado.

That morning I was feeling sick so I slept in a little longer and Daddy made breakfast. I think we had pancakes. He told me what his plans were for the day. After breakfast you played in Isa’s room and made caterpillars out of pillowbeds (pillows sown together). After getting his stuff together for the trip, Daddy took some pictures of us:


We had a family prayer.

Daddy said goodbye and off he went. I remember asking you a few minutes after he left, “Did Daddy already leave?” I couldn’t remember. I remember wishing I had given him a hug before he left.

The Week Before

A week before your daddy died we had our pictures taken for our passports because we were going to go to Monterrey during our Christmas vacation.

Talita 1 1/2
Jason, the day before he turned 31
Parley 3, almost 4
Isa 7
 We also took some silly pictures.

On Monday  we went to the county courthouse to submit our passport paperwork, then we went to the Guadalajara restaurant in Wheatland for dinner. We went there to celebrate Daddy’s birthday, which was the next day, too. He got to order whatever he wanted. It was chicken fajita with some kind of cheesy sauce. We told the waiter it was his birthday and he brought Daddy a sombrero and a brownie with ice cream. They sang happy birthday to “Panchito” then they took off the hat and we shared the dessert. When it was time to pay we didn’t have to because our friends from church, Micah and Justin Hood who happened to be sitting right by us, paid for us. It was a nice birthday present.

On Tuesday Daddy went on a field trip with his Art Club students to Casper College where they watched a professional painter do a demo. That night I had a Guernsey Prevention Coalition meeting. We got back home around the same time. You had stayed with Ms. Walters. We had more brownies and ice cream for his birthday. You gave him an ice cream scoop for his present.

That Friday (the day before) I had planned on going to my writer’s group in Wheatland and doing visiting teaching (1), but I started to get feverish and decided to stay home. I’m glad I got to spend that day with you and your father. After putting you to bed, we stayed up and talked on the couch. We talked about how we both felt we needed to know what our next step in life was. We talked about him becoming a school administrator. He read me his patriarchal blessing (2). We went to bed.

(1)a church program where the ladies visit other ladies to see that their spiritual and physical needs are taken care of
(2) A blessing is given by worthy men putting their hands on someone's head and, through inspiration, saying what blessings God would have that person receive. It can be a blessing of health, comfort, healing, etc. A patriarchal blessing is given to a person once in their lifetime by someone who holds the office of Patriarch in the church. It entails blessings that you can expect throughout your lifetime as well as warnings, counsel, and admonition.

The Month Before

Some things that happened the month before your Daddy passed away were:
·      We celebrated Halloween. We went to treat street in Guernsey and trick-or-treated at all the businesses.  The week before we went to the Kontour’s annual Halloween party at their ranch.
·      Isa cheered at a football game. It was cold that day.
This is Isa cheering at a basketball game the year before. We hadn't taken any pictures of Isa cheering that year yet. 
·      We met up with Kristi and Cameron in Laramie and had dinner with them because Cameron had a job interview at the hospital there.
·      Daddy went to Casper to watch Trenton play football on the day before Halloween.
·      Daddy went hunting and got his first animal, an antelope. We made jerky, ground meat, roasts, and steaks.
·      Daddy taught a community art class.
·      Mom and Dad had a date at Los Dominguez in Wheatland. We met Mike the rock collector.
·      Daddy watched BYU football games on the computer on Fridays or Saturdays.
·      Mom was in charge of a community playgroup and I took Talita and Parley to the corn maze in Lingle.

·      We went to Mrs. Denardi’s (Spanich teacher) husband’s funeral. After the funeral Daddy and I  talked about what we would like our funerals to be like and where we would like to be buried.

The Year He Died

2015 will be a year our family will never forget. Before the accident, our yearly Christmas letter would have looked something like this:

Jackson Hole, WY
This has been a year with a lot of milestones accomplished. Jason finished his Master’s Degree in educational administration and is now qualified to be a principal or assistant principal if he wants to. We turned down an art-teaching job in Mountain View partly because he may be starting a career as an administrator instead sometime in the near future (1-3 years?).  We finished our basement, creating a whole other bedroom and a TV room, complete with new carpet, paint, and new windows. We did this just in time before school started again for the year. We had a great garden. Some of the trips we went on this year were to Utah for Jacob’s wedding in June, Utah for Trish’s wedding in July,
Trishna and Juan's Wedding Day at Oakre Mtn. Temple
 Yellowstone to watch the Bar J Wranglers also in July, and then to Mount Rushmore and Reptile gardens in September.
At reptile gardens
Individual accomplishments/points of interest:

Jason- Besides his Master’s degree, Jason created a mentorship program at the school (he is the art teacher) and also started up MathCounts. He coached the boys middle school basketball team last year and is looking forward to another season. He is becoming quite the handy man – finishing up a lot of projects in our house. He also got his first animal hunting this year – an antelope. He continues to be a good husband and father. Jason is still the second counselor in our church’s bishopric. He started courses to become a Certified Financial Planner.
Tally- I am pregnant with baby number four and am still doing the stay-at-home mom thing. I am a counselor in the Primary (children’s class) for our church. I continue to be the president for the Guernsey Prevention Coalition and I started a playgroup for moms with pre-schoolers. I started attending a Writer’s group once a month, which I enjoy very much.
Isa- is in second grade and doing great. She has matured a lot this year and is doing good at the piano although she doesn’t like to practice. She has fun doing cheer and dance. In February she went on a Valentine’s Day daddy/daughter dance and had a lot of fun. (We have continued to do mommy/daddy – child dates and rotate the kids every month. It is fun to focus on them and learn more about their different personalities on a one-on-one time. )
Parley- will be turning four in this December. He loves monsters and scary things, and is looking forward to having his birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese this year. He can ride his little trike super fast. He likes playing with other kids, especially other rough little boys. His best friend though is a little girl from church, Camryn.
Talita- will turn two in January. She has a smile that lights up the room. She is easy going and is starting to talk a lot. She loves stuffed animals. Her older siblings love her a lot and we are happy she is a part of our family.
Baby #4 – due in May…

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. We love you and hope you enjoyed the update. XOXO, The Jason and Tally Harmon Family

First Day of School Picture. They always took it together since the time Isa started Kindergarten.

 This year was the first year Jason got to be Isa's teacher. He taught 2nd through 12th graders.

Our garden this year.


Dear Friends and Family,
We hope this letter finds you well. We miss you all and hope to see you soon.

Jason turned the big three O. Although increasing in age he still feels young at heart.  In fact recently Jason competed on the staff flag football team while they challenged our school’s 6-man varsity football team.  Jason looks forward to completing his master’s degree in educational administration this next year and is having a good school year.  He and Tally had a successful garden this past year where they canned and froze 100’s of pounds of tomatoes and salsa. Jason loves to learn, paint, read, sing, and serve in his church calling, but his greatest joy comes from being a husband and father.

Tally is 26. She is beautiful and talented as ever.  Tally has embarked on a plethora of challenging projects this year, and has come out triumphant.  She volunteered to head a drug prevention coalition in our community, is working on a family history project, delivered our 3rd child, is crocheting her first rug out of scraps of fabric, and teaching and raising our 3 wonderful children.  Tally has made many friends in our community this year, and takes time with them by forming walking groups.

Isa is 6 and just started first grade. She took swimming lessons and started piano lessons this summer.  She practices almost every day and is doing great. Isa learned to read this year and now reads anything she can get her hands on. She recently lost her first tooth and is a big help around the house.

Parley is almost three. He likes cars and pointy swords.  He participated in swimming lessons this summer and loves to work with Dad’s tools. He didn’t pass his speech screening so he goes back in December to get rescreened, but he is talking now more than ever. He still loves to sing, mostly “opera”, and is a joy to have around the house.

Talita is born. Proud Dad.
Talita has 6 teeth. She was born January 25th of this year.  She is so happy.  She loves to sit up and play with toys, and recently loves to stand up and hold onto couches, chairs or whatever else she can use to support herself.

We wish you all a merry Christmas and a wonderful and happy new year.


Jason, Tally, Isa, Parley, and Talita Harmon
Four generation Harmon picture

Talita, about 6 months old


Dear Friends and Family,

We hope you are all doing well.  This is what we have been up to this year.

Jason started his 3rd year of teaching art in our Guernsey school. This year is different because he is teaching AP classes and other classes that can give high school students college credit.  
Also, this year he is coaching high school basketball.  He is the assistant coach.  He had a successful garden this year and accomplished his goal of canning lots of tomatoes and salsa.  He continues to serve in our church as the second counselor in the bishopric (1) and I am grateful to have him as a husband and father for our kids.

I am pregnant and due February 9th.  Most of you know I had a miscarriage earlier this year and so I have been pregnant most of the year.  I was excited to get pregnant again after the miscarriage, but this has been a hard pregnancy.  I’m not sure why. 
Some good things about this year are that I learned a song on the piano I’ve always wanted to learn, I took a cooking class, and I just finished a guitar class.  I drove to Laredo, Texas by myself and back with the kids in February and I harvested some beets and herbs from my garden.  I love being a mom. I am grateful for this opportunity I have to raise Isa and Parley.

Isa started kindergarten this year. Isa loves to dance, play with her dolls, and play dress up.  Her favorite part of school is lunchtime and her best friend is a little boy named Chase.  Some new things she’s done this year are make a simple quilt for the new baby, she learned to tie a knot, and she can stand on her head on the couch and do a “back flip” on the couch. Her favorite family activities are doing plays after scriptures and making dessert.  She wants you to know she did a somersault at the church talent show and that she got caps on her teeth. Also, she is learning to read.

Parley is now almost 2 years old.  He chipped his front tooth by falling off a stepping stool. He loves to sing. He is known in church and in our community for his singing,  not so much because it is good (and it is, for a two year old), but because he is often doing it.  For a while there he would sing to himself before going to sleep, and then we would hear him singing in the mornings before he came out of his bed.  He is pretty social and likes nursery (infant and young children's class at church).  He has good teachers, Sister Grider and Sister McDonald.  When he gets around bigger boys at church or his uncles, he likes to wrestle. He also loves dogs.

Well, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope to hear from you soon.


Jason, Tally, Isa and Parley Harmon.

Playing a board game on a Sunday afternoon
(1) At church a bishopric is in charge of a ward. A ward is made up of people that go to a church depending on where you live. Our ward at the time was called the Wheatland Ward and included anyone who lived in Wheatland, Chugwater, or Guernsey Wyoming. A bishop is like the father of the ward. He has two counselors to help him with all the needs and organizations within that ward. Jason was the second counselor for over three years.


This has been an exciting year in our Family. We feel so blessed to live in Guernsey,WY, where fresh air abounds and cows are plentiful. (Tally wants to make it clear that Jason is writing the letter this year!) Our home has gone from grey to orange, our yard has gone from weeds to grass, we added Parley to our team, we no longer have to buy eggs at the store, and Isa has started pre-school.
The highlight of our year - This summer we took a long road trip through Amarillo,Texas where we visited Tyson and Brittney, to Laredo,TX where we visited Tally’s family, on through Farmington, New Mexico with Lance and Cerisa and their family, and our last stop was Willard Bay near Ogden for a Garmendia Family reunion. Between New Mexico and Utah the tire fell off our car and we were held up for about

Isa holding one of our chicken's eggs

6 hours. It was a fun and exciting trip. The part we will always remember was when we drove for three hours looking for a hotel to stay in, and when we finally found a place with rooms, it was infested with cockroaches. We were scared to walk on the floor, and because it was already 2:30 AM, we checked the sheets, and slept with the lights on, hoping that none would climb into bed with us.
(Tally’s writing now)
Parley was born on Dec.29,2011
JASON - Started his second year of teaching this year and likes it even better than last year. He started his Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and got a new calling in our church as the second counselor in the bishopric (1).We had a blast doing a garden together this year in which Jason was mostly in charge.
TALLY - I haven’t been up to much except raising kids. Since we got a piano I have found myself practicing a little bit. Other good things about this year are that I joined a walking group and have enjoyed reading “Every Woman’s Battle” with a friend. I am a primary teacher for our church.

Isa loves playing dress up
ISA- Like mentioned before, Isa started preschool, the biggest change in her life. She is learning her letters, she can write her name now, and probably her biggest challenge: learning how to overcome her shyness and make friends. She is a good big sister; very protective of Parley. She started piano lessons and is doing GREAT. Her favorite things to do are play dress up, go to her primary (children's) class with Sister Condie; and she is a big help to me when it comes to cleaning, entertaining the baby, and dinner. She loves anything pink.
PARLEY - is almost a year now. His best friend is definitely Isa and it has been amazing for me to see how much fun they have together. He is crawling and should start walking soon. He has a friend, Daniel, whom he likes to crawl around with in church. He is a smiley, happy baby.

Jason, Tally, Isa, and Parley

At Hogle Zoo

(1) At church a bishopric is in charge of a ward. A ward is made up of people that go to a church depending on where you live. Our ward at the time was called the Wheatland Ward and included anyone who lived in Wheatland, Chugwater, or Guernsey Wyoming. A bishop is like the father of the ward. He has two counselors to help him with all the needs and organizations within that ward. Jason was the second counselor for over three years.


November 2011
Dear Family and Friends,

We hope you are doing well. Since December is going to be a little unpredictable with the arrival of baby Parley, we decided to make and Autumn greeting card, just in case.  Things are going pretty well with us. Most of you know we graduated in April and that Jason got an art-teaching job in Guernsey, WY.

 We have been here since August, and so far we really like it.  The population here is a little over 1000 and the weather has actually been quite nice for Wyoming. We have felt really welcomed here by the community and by the members of the church, and we think we will be here for a while.
Most of you also know Jason got surgery on his Achilles tendon.  (He was trying to get in shape by playing basketball wit the high school boys and ruptured it.) He is still on crutches but will be advancing to a boot next week.  This has been kind of hard since we are still trying to get some projects done on our house, but we will be fine.  We feel grateful for all the help everyone has offered to us. Besides this, Jason is doing well.  
He is enjoying teaching a wide range of students, from 2nd-12th graders.  He’s also been teaching a two-week community pottery class and hoping to get back to his painting when time allows.  He is also a counselor in the young men’s organization for our church.

Isa is three years old now.  She loves playing pretend, hearing stories, and she loves animals and girly things.  Every Monday we go to story time at the elementary school library and she really looks forward to that.  She took a while to accept the fact that she was having a baby brother, not a sister; and I think having a sibling will be an adjustment for her since she has been the only child for such a long time, but in time I know she will be glad she has a built-in playmate at home.  Everyday she says something funny.  Today she came to the conclusion that chipmunks eat munks and chips, and one of my favorite word she says is “amn’t” , as in  “I amn’t going to bed right now.”

As for me, I am enjoying not being a student.  I’m glad I don’t have homework to worry about everyday, and I really do like doing the regular mom/wife things. A lot of my extra time is spent working on a house project  (decorating, organizing, painting) and when I’m not doing this I like reading and writing.  My goal for this year is to finish He Restoreth My Soul by Dr. Donald H. Hilton.  This book goes into the science of why pornography is literally addictive and later I think it will talk about how Christ can help people break free from the addiction.

Winter outside our new home in Guernsey

Finally, our baby’s name will be Parley Jason Harmon, after Jason’s ancestor. I think he is doing well but he is getting really heavy.

Parley was born December 29, 2011
Well, I hope you all had fun being brought up to date with us. We love you and think about you.
Until next time,
The Harmons