Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Year He Died

2015 will be a year our family will never forget. Before the accident, our yearly Christmas letter would have looked something like this:

Jackson Hole, WY
This has been a year with a lot of milestones accomplished. Jason finished his Master’s Degree in educational administration and is now qualified to be a principal or assistant principal if he wants to. We turned down an art-teaching job in Mountain View partly because he may be starting a career as an administrator instead sometime in the near future (1-3 years?).  We finished our basement, creating a whole other bedroom and a TV room, complete with new carpet, paint, and new windows. We did this just in time before school started again for the year. We had a great garden. Some of the trips we went on this year were to Utah for Jacob’s wedding in June, Utah for Trish’s wedding in July,
Trishna and Juan's Wedding Day at Oakre Mtn. Temple
 Yellowstone to watch the Bar J Wranglers also in July, and then to Mount Rushmore and Reptile gardens in September.
At reptile gardens
Individual accomplishments/points of interest:

Jason- Besides his Master’s degree, Jason created a mentorship program at the school (he is the art teacher) and also started up MathCounts. He coached the boys middle school basketball team last year and is looking forward to another season. He is becoming quite the handy man – finishing up a lot of projects in our house. He also got his first animal hunting this year – an antelope. He continues to be a good husband and father. Jason is still the second counselor in our church’s bishopric. He started courses to become a Certified Financial Planner.
Tally- I am pregnant with baby number four and am still doing the stay-at-home mom thing. I am a counselor in the Primary (children’s class) for our church. I continue to be the president for the Guernsey Prevention Coalition and I started a playgroup for moms with pre-schoolers. I started attending a Writer’s group once a month, which I enjoy very much.
Isa- is in second grade and doing great. She has matured a lot this year and is doing good at the piano although she doesn’t like to practice. She has fun doing cheer and dance. In February she went on a Valentine’s Day daddy/daughter dance and had a lot of fun. (We have continued to do mommy/daddy – child dates and rotate the kids every month. It is fun to focus on them and learn more about their different personalities on a one-on-one time. )
Parley- will be turning four in this December. He loves monsters and scary things, and is looking forward to having his birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese this year. He can ride his little trike super fast. He likes playing with other kids, especially other rough little boys. His best friend though is a little girl from church, Camryn.
Talita- will turn two in January. She has a smile that lights up the room. She is easy going and is starting to talk a lot. She loves stuffed animals. Her older siblings love her a lot and we are happy she is a part of our family.
Baby #4 – due in May…

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. We love you and hope you enjoyed the update. XOXO, The Jason and Tally Harmon Family

First Day of School Picture. They always took it together since the time Isa started Kindergarten.

 This year was the first year Jason got to be Isa's teacher. He taught 2nd through 12th graders.

Our garden this year.