An established couple once told
Jason and I to appreciate our years at BYU because they would be some of the
most precious years we had together. They were referring to how simple and
uncomplicated life together in college was before a career and children and
heavier church responsibilities came along. We took their advice to heart and tried to
enjoy those years. It never crossed our minds that another good reason for
appreciating those years is because they would make up half of our married life
together. This is a summary of our life from 2007 – 2011; the time we spent in
Provo, UT while studying at Brigham Young University.
What I remember about this time is
that our schedules were constantly changing. They changed with every semester
in fact. This was kind of hard on me because I thrive on routine and
consistency, but we had to make it work because graduating was our goal.
Jason’s job changed often too. He had to find jobs that worked with whatever
his schedule was at the time. One time he had a job cleaning up after
volleyball and basketball games. He would come home around midnight during
those times. He also had a job driving school buses for Provo School District.
He had an early morning route, an after school route, and sometimes he would
drive for field trips. I’m sure his very favorite job while in college was
teaching Spanish to new missionaries at the Missionary Training Center. He had
it written in journal that that was one of his lifetime goals, and he got to do
it for one semester. (He had also written that he wanted to teach at the
elementary, middle, and high school levels which he did when he got the job at
the K-12 school in Guernsey after we graduated).
Before Isa was born we got to work
construction with Jason’s grandpa. We got paid very well for being college students
and were grateful for that opportunity. I had a job working with ESL students
at Dixon Middle School when I was pregnant with Isa and that would be my last
job in college. For the next three years we both went to school with a
baby/toddler and Jason was the provider. How did we make it work? We took
advantage of supplemental programs like WIC and Medicaid, but also we tried
hard to be frugal. We didn’t go out to eat much. We shopped at DI (like Goodwill) a lot. We
kept a budget every month and stuck to it for the most part. We saved when we
had extra income and took advantage of Pell grants and scholarships. We also
had the great resource at that time of family. When we were in Provo so was
Trish and Steven, Brant and Aimee, Tyson and Brittney, and Josh and Martha for
most of it. Then Kristi came along, then Kyler, and Abby and Molly Grigg, and
Jeremy. (The perks of marrying into a large family!) We took advantage of these
people for babysitting, mostly just for occasional dates, but Martha, Trish,
Kristi and Brittney all babysat for me regularly for at least one class at one
point. We graduated from college with no debt.
But my favorite person to watch Isa
was Jason. It was the easiest and the least hassle and it just felt the most
right when Jason was the one taking care of her. A lot of times this meant me
taking Isa to campus. There we would “switch”. He would take the stroller while
I went to class and then we would meet up again. For one semester I would meet
him in his art studio in the HFAC (Harris Fine Arts Center) and we would have lunch there after
switching. Only certain people got to be in that studio. It had a fridge and a
microwave so that was nice. Sometimes we had to take Isa with us to part of the
class until the other person was free to pick her up because that was just the
way the schedule worked that semester. My last semester I took Isa with me to
the whole class every week. (It was a shorter .5 credit class). We had to be
flexible with out time. We learned how to speed read and study for tests and do
But we always managed to make time
for our callings in church. We went to the Northpark 4th Ward in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which was a Latin
ward (1). I was called to be a counselor in the young women’s program while Jason
was in the young men’s. We would bring Isa with us to mutual (Wednesday night youth group). Other callings I
had were Relief Society (adult women's organization)secretary, Sunday school teacher for the youth, and Boy Scout leader. People I worked with were Eliana Sanchez, Hermana Valencia, Hermana
Arredondo. I also had the same visiting teaching companion for several years,
Hermana Irene Cuesta (2). We became really good friends. Jason also served as a
ward missionary with Gustavo Ramirez and I know he looked up to Victor
Arredondo a lot. He also loved working with Brother Sames, Hermano Prieto,
Bishop Ayala. I also remember the Sikes, the couple with the French last name I
can’t remember, the elderly couple from Bolivia (the wife was my first visiting
teaching companion in the ward).
We lived in the same apartment
building the whole time we were in Provo. (Remember I don’t like change a whole
lot?) It was an old house turned into 6 units right across from the Provo
Public Library. The address was 500 North 100 East. First we were in the basement studio apartment. It was
probably 600 square feet or less. We paid $300 a month, which was pretty unheard
of. We remodeled that apartment with the help of Jason’s dad and other family.
I loved it. When Isa was born we moved upstairs a couple of floors to a
two-bedroom apartment. We also painted almost that whole apartment. I loved
that it was walking distance from a few parks, our church building, and BYU. I
would take Isa to story hour at the public library often. We would also rent
movies from there. Walking to campus was my workout for the day a lot of times.
I would push the stroller up the hill behind the RB building. I would start out the
semester walking up that hill and ended it running up the hill, just for the
work out. It was a good way to stay in shape.
We also tried hard to make time for
us as a couple. Our goal was weekly date night although that didn’t always
happen. Some of the fun dates we had that I remember: Skipping class to go
watch How to Train Your Dragon at the theater in the Provo mall, BYU dances,
movie nights at home while Isa was sleeping, going on walks. Other fun things
we did as a couple or as a family: playing Frisbee, Acapella Jam concert, free
loading at events at BYU where there was free pizza, going to Mountain View for
events like Thanksgiving or a baptism or a missionary farewell, camping,
visiting nature parks around Utah, poetry festival, hispanic festival. We also took some trips
while in college like we went to Washington to visit my grandparents, we went
to Texas for the holidays occasionally, and Yellowstone National Park.
Jason student taught his last semester of college |
Jason's Bachelor's of Fine Arts (BFA) final show |
Jason taught at the Missionary Training Center one semester |
We had a balcony in our upstair apartment. We did container gardening out there and also gardened on a little piece of land next to the building. |
At the aquarium |
Yellowstone |
Provo pool |
Isa turned 2 |
Halloween |
Salt Lake City Temple |
On our way to Washington road trip |
Canned tomatoes |
Our first apartment. It was a studio basement apartment. When Isa was born we moved to a two bedroom upstairs. |
Happy Birthday Jason |
Our first child is born. Isara Isidra Harmon |
(1) A ward is made up of people that go to a specific LDS church building, at a certain time depending on where you live.
(2) Visiting Teaching is a program for the women of the church where we visit other ladies in the ward and try to make sure their spiritual and physical needs are being taken care of.